Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pack 601: October Pack Meeting, Trip to the DC Zoo, Saturday, October 27, 8:00 AM


Saturday, October 27th is our Pack meeting with a trip to the DC Zoo.  We will meet at Salem United Methodist Church at 8:00 AM for a brief pack meeting and then leave from there.  Right now the forecast is for some rain on Saturday.  If the the day looks to be very rainy, we will change our plans and visit either the Air and Space Museum (planes and rockets) or the Museum of Natural History (dinosaurs).

The plan is to drive to the nearest MARC station and take the Subway into DC.  We will be heading down I-95 because it is quicker.

The cost will be about $5 per person for the Subway and $0 for the Zoo, tolls will be about $10 per car.  If we can carpool that would be very helpful.  Bring a lunch or buy one there.  We will have a very brief Pack meeting at SUMC to hand out some awards and then head out.  The church is going to be having their Ham and Oyster dinner later that day so any cars we leave will have to be left in the back parking lot.

This is a family event so all are welcome.  If you have FRS/GMRS radios, please bring them.  It will aid with communication on the road and at the zoo.  Maps are attached.

Website:  http://cubscoutpack601.blogspot.com/
Calendar:  http://www.calendarhub.com/pub/pack601
Council Website:  http://www.delmarvacouncil.org/
Email:       pack601@gmail.com

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pack 601: October Pack Meeting, Trip to the DC Zoo, Saturday, October 27, 8:00 AM


Saturday, October 27th is our Pack meeting with a trip to the DC Zoo.  The plan is to drive to the nearest MARC station and take the Subway into DC.  Right now we are considering two ways to get down there.  One is I-95 through Baltimore to Greenbank Station.  It is faster (~1.5 hrs.), but harder to stick together.  The other is to go down 301 through Annapolis to New Carrolton Station.  It is slower (~2 hrs.), but less busy and easier to stick together.  If you have any experience with either of these routes, please let me know.

The cost will be about $5 per person for the Subway and $0 for the Zoo, tolls will be about $10 per car.  If we can carpool that would be very helpful.  Bring a lunch or buy one there.  We will have a very brief Pack meeting at SUMC to hand out some awards and then head out.  The church is going to be having their Ham and Oyster dinner later that day so any cars we leave will have to be left in the back parking lot.

This is a family event so all are welcome.  If you have FRS/GMRS radios, please bring them.  It will aid with communication on the road and at the zoo.  I will get maps out soon.

Website:   http://cubscoutpack601.blogspot.com/
Calendar:  http://www.calendarhub.com/pub/pack601
Council Website:   http://www.delmarvacouncil.org/
Email:       pack601@gmail.com
