Tuesday, September 26, 2006

PACK 601: Fall Campout, Meet at SUMC Friday, September 29th @ 6:00 PM


For those going camping, below is the basic packing list for what you will need.  Currently it is predicted to be 48 degrees on Friday night.  So warm clothes would be a good choice.  60s during the day.  Also there is showers predicted on Friday and Sunday so make sure you also have rain gear.

The pack will meet up at Salem United Methodist Church at 6:00.  Please be there promptly.  I will be coming up later because of a commitment down state, but you will be in good hands with Jon Howell.

This promisses to be a great campout.  We have 37 people attending!  I look forward to seeing you all up there Friday night.

Yours in Scouting,


Personal Camping Gear
____  Tent
____   * Medicines  
____   * Flashlight w/ batteries
____  Uniform (CLASS A and B)
____  Poncho or  Rain gear
____  Pack or Dufflebag
____  Sleeping Bag
____  Blanket        
____  Jeans/Long Pants
____  Shorts
____  Extra T-shirts (Class B is preferred)
____  Sweater or Sweatshirt         
____  Extra Underwear
____  Extra Socks
____  Scout Handbook
____  Laundry Bag                        
____  Sturdy Shoes or Hiking Boots
____  Sunscreen                            
____ Insect Repellent (Non-aerosol)

____  Soap in a box, or liquid soap                       
____  Comb
____  Toothbrush & Toothpaste      
____  Bath Towel & Washcloth
____  Shower Shoes                        

____  Watch                              
____  Canteen or Water Bottle
____  Notebook & Pen              
____  Spending Money For the Trading Post at Camp
____  Camera & Film                
____  Pillow
____  Bible, Testament or Prayer Book    
____  Sun Glasses                 

New Website:   http://cubscoutpack601.blogspot.com/
Old Website:   http://spaces.msn.com/members/cubscoutpack601
Calendar:   http://www.calendarhub.com/pub/pack601
Email:       pack601@gmail.com

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Pack 601: Fall Camping Trip


If you are going to join us on our first campout of the new Scouting year (the Fall campout) starting Friday, September 29th, please turn in the attached permission form and money by Monday, September 25th if your den meets on Monday or Tuesday, September 26th if your den meets on Tuesday. We cannot accept any forms after that. This will be a great campout. Jon Howell has been working out all the details with Camp Alpine and it promises to be lots of fun.

I will be at the church on Monday to collect forms and money. Cost is $20 per person which includes the camping fees and food. If you can email me back to let me know you are planning to come, that would be very helpful.

We will be meeting at the church at 6:00PM on Friday the 29th and returning about 2:00PM Sunday the 1st. The drive is about 2.5 hours to Camp Alpine.

Below is a suggested packing list. Please remember it will be very cool at night and you should bring plenty of warm clothes. For those of you who have not been camping before and have questions about camping, I will be glad to answer them on Monday.

Plus, please mark Monday October 2nd on your calendar. We will hold a meeting at the church building for all parents of new scouts. It will last about 40 minutes. I ask that you make every effort to be there. We will talk about how the Pack runs and what you can expect fromt your son's scouting experience.

I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday,

Yours in Scouting,

Personal Camping Gear
____ Tent
____ * Medicines
____ * Flashlight w/ batteries
____ Uniform (CLASS A and B)
____ Poncho or Rain gear
____ Pack or Dufflebag
____ Sleeping Bag
____ Blanket
____ Jeans/Long Pants
____ Shorts
____ Extra T-shirts (Class B is preferred)
____ Sweater or Sweatshirt
____ Extra Underwear
____ Extra Socks
____ Scout Handbook
____ Laundry Bag
____ Sturdy Shoes or Hiking Boots
____ Sunscreen
____ Insect Repellent (Non-aerosol)

____ Soap in a box, or liquid soap
____ Comb
____ Toothbrush & Toothpaste
____ Bath Towel & Washcloth
____ Shower Shoes

____ Watch
____ Canteen or Water Bottle
____ Notebook & Pen
____ Spending Money For the Trading Post at Camp
____ Camera & Film
____ Pillow
____ Bible, Testament or Prayer Book
____ Sun Glasses

New Website: http://cubscoutpack601.blogspot.com/
Old Website: http://spaces.msn.com/members/cubscoutpack601
Calendar: http://www.calendarhub.com/pub/pack601
Email: pack601@gmail.com

Signup Sheet for Fall Camping Trip

PACK 601



Alpine, New Jersey

Friday September 29, 2006 to Sunday October 1, 2006

Join Pack 601 on our annual fall camping trip. This year we will be leaving Salem United Methodist Church on Friday evening at 6:30 and head up the New Jersey Turnpike to Alpine Scout Camp.

Alpine Scout Camp will have their archery and BB range open on Saturday afternoon and we are scheduled in the climbing center in the morning. Don’t worry if you have never climbed, the climbing instructor at Alpine will have you climbing like a pro in no time. If the weather is nice we will also be able to do a short hike to the Palisades which offers spectacular views of New York and the Hudson River. Finally, Saturday evening we will have a camp fire so all the Dens and adults are encouraged to have a skit or song ready!

Included in the cost will be all meals while at camp; Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, Lunch on Saturday, Dinner on Saturday, and snacks on Saturday Evening. Also included in the cost are the fees for the instruction and use of the climbing center and the camp site. (The Trading Post at camp will be open during the weekend.)

After breakfast and packing up camp on Sunday morning we will head back home.


Cost $20.00 per person

Everyone MUST have a current Class 1 medical form for this camping trip!

Please return this lower portion with the appropriate fees and health forms to your Den Leader by Monday September 18, 2006.

SCOUT ATTENDING_______________________________________ Age ______

PARENT/GUARDIAN ATTENDING ______________________________________

Paid By: ____ check(Check #______)/ ____cash Total Amount Paid $_______

Cell Phone of Parent/Guardian attending (______) ______ - ____________

All fees for this camping trip are non refundable as of September 25, 2005.

Pack 601/Fall 2006/Alpine Scout Camp

Friday, September 15, 2006

Re: PACK 601: Pack-o-ree, September 16th, 2:00-8:30 @ SUMC


With rain scheduled for most of the morning and afternoon tomorrow.  We are going to move things inside if it is raining tomorrow.  We have can still do most of our activities inside although it we won't be able to do them all.

This is our main recruiting activity for the year, so if it is raining, please dress your boys in their scout uniform with their class B underneath.  That way if the rain breaks, we get have them take their uniforms off and we will go outside.  If not, we look good for our visitors.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.  Rain or Shine, we will have fun and the boys will learn some things.

Yours in Scouting,


On 9/5/06, Cubscout Pack <pack601@gmail.com> wrote:

It is time for our annual Pack-o-ree.  This is the start of our school year Cub Scout Program.  As usual it will be at Salem United Methodist Church.  Below I have attached a tentative schedule of events.  The Pack Committee is still working out the details, but I wanted to give you and your boys a taste of what is to come!  We are doing something special this year.  As part of our evening camp fire we are going to have a flag retirement ceremony.  If you have never seen an American Flag properly retired, it is a very touching event.  This year we are not camping over night at the church like we have in years past.

Please have your boys come in their Class B uniforms for the days activities (scouting t-shirt) but bring their Class A (blue) uniforms for the evening ceremonies.  We will be giving any awards that were earned during the summer and recognizing those that went to summer camp.

Please have your boys invite any of their friends that are interested in Cub Scouting.  This will be a good time for them to check out what Scouting is all about.

Another date to keep in mind is the weekend of September 29th.  This will be our first campout of the year.  We will be going to Alpine Scout Reservation in Alpine, NJ and Jon Howell has been working on an excellent camping experience.  We will be in tents and be staying two nights.  The campout is open to the whole family moms, dads, brothers and sisters although some activies will be limited by age.  The cost is $20 per person.  More information will be provided soon.

I look forward to seeing you on the 16th for the start of another exciting Scouting Year!

Yours in Scouting,


Website:   http://spaces.msn.com/members/cubscoutpack601
Calendar:  http://www.calendarhub.com/pack601
Email:       pack601@gmail.com

New Website:  http://cubscoutpack601.blogspot.com/
Old Website:   http://spaces.msn.com/members/cubscoutpack601
Calendar:  http://www.calendarhub.com/pub/pack601
Email:       pack601@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Re: PACK 601: Pack-o-ree, September 16th, 2:00-8:30 @ SUMC


Just a reminder that our Pack-o-ree is this Saturday from 2:00-8:30 at Salem United Methodist Church.  Please re-read the note below to remind yourself of the details.

Because of some travel, we could really use your help to set up.  The leaders are going to arrive between 12:00 and 12:30 to start to set up.  If you can come and help, it would be much appreciated.

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Yours in Scouting,


On 9/5/06, Cubscout Pack < pack601@gmail.com> wrote:

It is time for our annual Pack-o-ree.  This is the start of our school year Cub Scout Program.  As usual it will be at Salem United Methodist Church.  Below I have attached a tentative schedule of events.  The Pack Committee is still working out the details, but I wanted to give you and your boys a taste of what is to come!  We are doing something special this year.  As part of our evening camp fire we are going to have a flag retirement ceremony.  If you have never seen an American Flag properly retired, it is a very touching event.  This year we are not camping over night at the church like we have in years past.

Please have your boys come in their Class B uniforms for the days activities (scouting t-shirt) but bring their Class A (blue) uniforms for the evening ceremonies.  We will be giving any awards that were earned during the summer and recognizing those that went to summer camp.

Please have your boys invite any of their friends that are interested in Cub Scouting.  This will be a good time for them to check out what Scouting is all about.

Another date to keep in mind is the weekend of September 29th.  This will be our first campout of the year.  We will be going to Alpine Scout Reservation in Alpine, NJ and Jon Howell has been working on an excellent camping experience.  We will be in tents and be staying two nights.  The campout is open to the whole family moms, dads, brothers and sisters although some activies will be limited by age.  The cost is $20 per person.  More information will be provided soon.

I look forward to seeing you on the 16th for the start of another exciting Scouting Year!

Yours in Scouting,


Website:   http://spaces.msn.com/members/cubscoutpack601
Calendar:  http://www.calendarhub.com/pack601
Email:       pack601@gmail.com

New Website:  http://cubscoutpack601.blogspot.com/
Old Website:   http://spaces.msn.com/members/cubscoutpack601
Calendar:  http://www.calendarhub.com/pub/pack601
Email:       pack601@gmail.com

Thursday, September 07, 2006

PACK 601: Pack-o-ree Announcement

Hey Boys...


Are you in the 1st, 2nd,3rd or 4th Grade?  Are you interested in Cub Scouting?


Then come join Pack 601!


Our annual Pack-o-ree


Saturday, September 16th

2:00-4:00 PM




Salem United Methodist Church

(on the corner of Salem Church Road and Old Baltimore Pike)


Learn what Cub Scouting is all about.  Meet boys your own age and have some fun doing activities like leather crafts, sports and learning scouting skills!


We look forward to seeing you there!!!

PACK 601: Pack-o-ree, September 16th, 2:00-8:30PM, Salem United Methodist Church


It is time for our annual Pack-o-ree.  This is the start of our school year Cub Scout Program.  As usual it will be at Salem United Methodist Church.  Below I have attached a tentative schedule of events.  The Pack Committee is still working out the details, but I wanted to give you and your boys a taste of what is to come!  We are doing something special this year.  As part of our evening camp fire we are going to have a flag retirement ceremony.  If you have never seen an American Flag properly retired, it is a very touching event.  This year we are not camping over night at the church like we have in years past.

Please have your boys come in their Class B uniforms for the days activities (scouting t-shirt) but bring their Class A (blue) uniforms for the evening ceremonies.  We will be giving any awards that were earned during the summer and recognizing those that went to summer camp.

Please have your boys invite any of their friends that are interested in Cub Scouting.  This will be a good time for them to check out what Scouting is all about.

Another date to keep in mind is the weekend of September 29th.  This will be our first campout of the year.  We will be going to Alpine Scout Reservation in Alpine, NJ and Jon Howell has been working on an excellent camping experience.  We will be in tents and be staying two nights.  The campout is open to the whole family moms, dads, brothers and sisters although some activies will be limited by age.  The cost is $20 per person.  More information will be provided soon.

I look forward to seeing you on the 16th for the start of another exciting Scouting Year!

Yours in Scouting,

Calendar:   http://www.calendarhub.com/pub/pack601
Email:       pack601@gmail.com
