It is time for our annual Pack-o-ree. This is the start of our school year Cub Scout Program. As usual it will be at Salem United Methodist Church. Below I have attached a tentative schedule of events. The Pack Committee is still working out the details, but I wanted to give you and your boys a taste of what is to come! We are doing something special this year. As part of our evening camp fire we are going to have a flag retirement ceremony. If you have never seen an American Flag properly retired, it is a very touching event. This year we are not camping over night at the church like we have in years past.
Please have your boys come in their Class B uniforms for the days activities (scouting t-shirt) but bring their Class A (blue) uniforms for the evening ceremonies. We will be giving any awards that were earned during the summer and recognizing those that went to summer camp.
Please have your boys invite any of their friends that are interested in Cub Scouting. This will be a good time for them to check out what Scouting is all about.
Another date to keep in mind is the weekend of September 29th. This will be our first campout of the year. We will be going to Alpine Scout Reservation in Alpine, NJ and Jon Howell has been working on an excellent camping experience. We will be in tents and be staying two nights. The campout is open to the whole family moms, dads, brothers and sisters although some activies will be limited by age. The cost is $20 per person. More information will be provided soon.
I look forward to seeing you on the 16th for the start of another exciting Scouting Year!
Yours in Scouting,