Friday, October 27, 2006
Pack 601: Question about the Pack Meeting
A question came up about the Pack Meeting about what the boys should wear. Please have them wear their uniforms.
Yours in Scouting,
New Website:
Old Website:
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Pack 601: Reminder T-Shirt Orders
Pack 601 Class B Uniform camo t-shirts and sweatshirts will be on sale at the Pack Meeting Fall Festival on Saturday, October 28. If you are unable to attend and wish to place an order, please call Kathy Melcher.
Thank you!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Pack 601: October Pack Meeting, Saturday, 10/28, 6:30PM @ SUMC
Just a reminder of our Pack meeting on Saturday, October 28th, 6:30PM at Salem United Methodist Church. We will be having our annual Fall Festival. The activities will be:
- Apple Tree Bobbing for Apples
- A scarecrow stuffing race
- Decorating sugar cookies
- And back by popular demand, the target range for Packoree.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday.
Yours in Scouting,
New Website:
Old Website:
Pack 601: T-shirt order
I will be taking orders for the camo tshirts for the boys and any adults who wish to purchase them. Orders will be taken at the Pack Meeting on Saturday, October 28 @ 6:30 at SUMC. Payment must be made at time of ordering.
If you will be unable to attend the Pack Meeting, but would like to order the shirts, please call me prior to October 28th with your order and to make arrangements to get me your payment.
Pricing and sizes as follows:
It is recommended that you order Adult sizes for all boys. The smaller boys seem to wear an adult small. My son wears a size 8 clothing and he is wearing a youth XL, but the adult small would fit him too. They will probably be a little big, but they can wear them for a longer time.
Youth XL - $10.90
Adult S-M-L-XL - $11.25
Adult XXL - $13.25
Adult XXXL - $14.75
These shirts can be worn as a Class "B" uniform.
Thank you,
Kathy Melcher
--New Website:
Old Website:
Pack 601: Fundraising Due
Fundraisers are due tonight or tomorrow. Judy Tait will be at SUMC tonight at 6:30-7:30 and tomorrow from 7:00-8:00. The money and order must be turned at one of these two times in order for the order to be placed.
Thank you!
New Website:
Old Website:
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Pack 601: October Pack Meeting: October 28th, 6:30 PM, Salem United Methodist Church / Popcorn due 10/23
We were not able to get the skating rink to go skating for our Pack meeting. So, we will be having our annual Fall Festival Pack meeting instead. We plan to have apple bobbing, games and more. Please have your boys in their full Class A uniforms for the meeting. We will give out awards and then move on to the fun.
Also, if you have doing the Popcorn fundraiser, money is due during your den meeting on October 23rd. Judy Tait will be at the church building for you to turn it in. For those meeting on October 24th, turn it into me and I will get it to Judy.
I look forward to seeing you all at the pack meeting.
Yours in Scouting,
New Website:
Old Website:
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Pack 601: Parent Orientation
Here is a copy of the New Parent Orientation. I would ask that all parents look it over and review it. Also, I have added a section with a link to the BSA Youth Protection training. It can be done online and takes about 20 minutes. I would encourage everyone to go through it.
Parent Orientation to Cub Scouting
The following gives a basic breakdown of the Cub Scouting Organization:
BSA National
Local Council – Del-Mar-Va
District – Freedom Trail
Local Pack – 601
Dens – Divided by age group
Tigers - 1st Grade
Wolves - 2nd Grade
Bears - 3rd Grade
Webloes I - 4th Grade
Webloes II - 5th Grade
Pack Leaders
The following gives a basic breakdown of Pack Leadership:
1 or more Assistant Cubmasters
Pack Committee
Den Leaders
Assistant Den Leaders
All Leadership positions are volunteer, so please remember that. We are not paid and we donate a lot of our time to Scouting.
Our Focus
It's about the Boys!
Safety of the Boys!
Having Fun!
Doing our best!
Typically there are two uniforms the boys will have.
Class A: Blue Uniforms Shirt for Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Weblo's
Tan Uniform for Weblo's
** Pack 601 does not require Scout pants.
All Class A uniforms should have the blue belt and
appropriate hat.
Class B: Pack or other Scouting T-Shirt
Parent Involvement
It is imperative that an adult (parent, grandparent, guardian) attend all scouting events with the scout. We have a little saying that BSA does not stand for Baby Sitters of America. Please be involved with the boys and your scout in particular! We are always looking for leaders and help. Please see one of the leaders if you are interested in helping out.
I encourage everyone to take the online "Youth Protection" at:
Parent and Boy Conduct
If you or your son have a problem with one of the leaders or other parents, I encourage you to talk with them about the issue. If you feel like you cannot or you do not feel like you got a satisfactory answer, I encourage you to talk to me. Yelling and screaming at one of the other parents or leaders is unacceptable and will not be tolerated!!
Foul or Abusive Language is unacceptable while at a scouting event or around scouts. I ask that you police each other on this. Occassionly a word will slip and I ask you as adults to remind each other of this rule. And please also police the boys.
Smoking in site of scouts is not allowed by the BSA.
We will continually have to remind the boys to keep their hands off of each other. Please help us with that.
We do camp with the boys. If you wish to go, as a minimum you will need a tent to fit you and your son and sleeping bags. Other things to make life more comfortable would be sleeping pads or air mattresses, camp chairs, and lanterns. We also hike so comfortable shoe/boots are recommended.
New Website:
Old Website:
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Pack 601: Reminder New Parents Meeting 6:30 @ SUMC
Just a reminder to all parents that are new to Pack 601. There is a meeting at 6:30 to explain Cub Scouting and what you can expect for your son. Please try to make it if at all possible. It should last no more than 30 minutes.
The meeting is upstairs at Salem United Methodist Church.
Yours in Scouting,
New Website:
Old Website: