Monday, October 23, 2006

Pack 601: October Pack Meeting, Saturday, 10/28, 6:30PM @ SUMC


Just a reminder of our Pack meeting on Saturday, October 28th, 6:30PM at Salem United Methodist Church.  We will be having our annual Fall Festival.  The activities will be:

  • Apple Tree Bobbing for Apples
  • A scarecrow stuffing race
  • Decorating sugar cookies
  • And back by popular demand, the target range for Packoree.
Also, dues of $45 is due and if you are not participating the popcorn fundraiser, $50 buy-out is also due.  We have had problems in the past with people not paying, so we have instituted the policy followed by many of the Packs in the area.  Until the dues is paid, you son will not receive his awards that he has earned.  If finances are an issue, please feel free to talk to me privately about it and we will work it out.  The Pack must pay for all the awards you son earns and the only money we get is from dues and fundraisers.  We get no money from BSA or the church.

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Yours in Scouting,


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