Monday, December 10, 2007
Pack 601: December Pack Meeting and Holiday Party, Friday, Dec 14, 7:00PM, SUMC
Our next Pack Meeting is on Friday, December 14th at 7:00 PM at Salem United Methodist Church. We will do a gift exchange for the scouts. Please have them bring a gift that costs around $5 and have it wrapped. We will then hand out numbers and each boy will get to choose a gift. So please make sure it is a boy gift and one that someone from ages 6-10 would like. Many can be found out 5 below store.
We are also asking everyone to bring a finger snack that you can share. Because we have a number of boys that have Peanut allergies, please mark your snack if it has peanuts in it. We will give out awards and sing some holiday songs (always a fun time) and we might have a special visitor if we are all really good!
Also, we will be handing out signup sheets for Winter Camping (in March) and the Blue and Gold dinner (February). We will also be handing out Joe Corbis fundraiser information.
I look forward to seeing everyone there.
Yours in Scouting,
Council Website:
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Pack 601: Class B Order Form and Pack meeting Reminder
Remember that tomorrow is our Pack Meeting. It is our Raingutter Regatta. Bring your boats and be ready to race. Also see Kathy's note below about ordering Class B T-Shirts and Sweat Shirts and new this year for Leaders, we have a Pack 601 Neckerchief. Thanks to Kathy for all her hard work in getting this together.
To Pack 601:
We will be taking orders for Pack 601 camo t-shirts and sweatshirts for the boys and any adults who wish to purchase them. Orders will be taken at the Pack Meeting this Friday, November 16 @ 7:00 at SUMC. Payment must be made at time of ordering.
Cash and checks made payable to Pack 601 will only be accepted as payment.
If you will be unable to attend the Pack Meeting, but would like to place an order, please call me before Thursday, November 22nd with your order and to make arrangements to get me your payment.
Pricing and sizes as follows:
It is recommended that you order Adult sizes for all boys. A child who wears a size 8 shirt can wear either a Youth XL or an Adult Small The Adult Small would be slightly larger, but could be worn for a longer time.
Youth M-L-XL - $13.50 Youth XL - $16.25 with hood - $20.50
Adult S-M-L-XL - $14.00 Adult S-M-L-X-Large - $16.50 with hood - $22.00
Adult XXL - $14.50 Adult XX-Large - $18.50 with hood - $24.00
Adult XXXL - $15.25 Adult XXX-Large - $20.50 with hood - $26.00
Neckerchiefs will also be available for LEADERS ONLY at $10.00 each.
These shirts can be worn as a Class "B" uniform.
Thank you,
Council Website:
Monday, November 12, 2007
Pack 601: Pack Meeting--Raingutter Regatta, 7:00 PM, Friday November 16th, at SUMC
This Friday night at 7:00 is our Pack Meeting and our Raingutter Regatta at Salem United Methodist Church. We will start with our awards ceremony and then we will have a uniform inspection. Here is a link to the inspection sheet:
Then we will race our boats.
I look forward seeing everyone there.
Council Website:
Friday, November 09, 2007
Pack 601: Popcorn Pickup: Monday Night
Council Website:
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Pack 601: October Pack Meeting, Trip to the DC Zoo, Saturday, October 27, 8:00 AM
Saturday, October 27th is our Pack meeting with a trip to the DC Zoo. We will meet at Salem United Methodist Church at 8:00 AM for a brief pack meeting and then leave from there. Right now the forecast is for some rain on Saturday. If the the day looks to be very rainy, we will change our plans and visit either the Air and Space Museum (planes and rockets) or the Museum of Natural History (dinosaurs).
The plan is to drive to the nearest MARC station and take the Subway into DC. We will be heading down I-95 because it is quicker.
The cost will be about $5 per person for the Subway and $0 for the Zoo, tolls will be about $10 per car. If we can carpool that would be very helpful. Bring a lunch or buy one there. We will have a very brief Pack meeting at SUMC to hand out some awards and then head out. The church is going to be having their Ham and Oyster dinner later that day so any cars we leave will have to be left in the back parking lot.
This is a family event so all are welcome. If you have FRS/GMRS radios, please bring them. It will aid with communication on the road and at the zoo. Maps are attached.
Council Website:
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Pack 601: October Pack Meeting, Trip to the DC Zoo, Saturday, October 27, 8:00 AM
Saturday, October 27th is our Pack meeting with a trip to the DC Zoo. The plan is to drive to the nearest MARC station and take the Subway into DC. Right now we are considering two ways to get down there. One is I-95 through Baltimore to Greenbank Station. It is faster (~1.5 hrs.), but harder to stick together. The other is to go down 301 through Annapolis to New Carrolton Station. It is slower (~2 hrs.), but less busy and easier to stick together. If you have any experience with either of these routes, please let me know.
The cost will be about $5 per person for the Subway and $0 for the Zoo, tolls will be about $10 per car. If we can carpool that would be very helpful. Bring a lunch or buy one there. We will have a very brief Pack meeting at SUMC to hand out some awards and then head out. The church is going to be having their Ham and Oyster dinner later that day so any cars we leave will have to be left in the back parking lot.
This is a family event so all are welcome. If you have FRS/GMRS radios, please bring them. It will aid with communication on the road and at the zoo. I will get maps out soon.
Council Website:
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Pack 601: Pack-o-ee, SUMC, 1:00 PM, September 15th
Just a reminder: The beginning of our scouting season is right upon us. Our first event is the Pack-o-ree. It is on Saturday, September 15th and starts at 1:00 PM. We will be having stations like we did last year and it should be lots of fun. We will have a Pizza Dinner at about 5:00 and then have our normal pack meeting at about 6:00.
Please make it if at all possible. Also we will be collecting dues for the year ($45 per boy). And we will be asking you to fill out a new contact information form so we can update our records.
Here are some of the activities we will be doing:
- Target Shooting
- First Aid
- Water Rockets (bring plastic soda/water bottles if you have them)
- Leather
- Sport
- Gutterball
- Clothes pin toss
- lawn bowling
- Popsicle stick building
- Beads and strings
Dress will be Class B T-shirt for the day and Class A uniform for the pack meeting.
I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday.
Yours in Scouting,
Council Website:
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Pack 601: September Camping-Rehobeth Beach
We are planning a campout for the end of September 28-30 down at Rehobeth Beach. We will be doing a beach clean-up, swimming and general beach fun. The cost is $15 per person. This is going to be family camping so the whole family is welcome. We need to get a count and start collecting money for the campout. Please send an email if you are planning on attending and we will work out some times to drop off the money for the trip.
New Website: http://cubscoutpack601.blogspot
Council Website:
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Pack 601: Popcorn
Judy Tait and I will be at Salem United Methodist Church on Monday, August 13th from 6:00 - 7:00 PM if you want to pick up your forms for the Popcorn fundraiser. Otherwise you can pick them up at the Watermelon feast.
Hope to see you then,
New Website:
Council Website:
Pack 601: Blue Rocks Game Tomorrow Night
If you are going to the Blue Rocks game tomorrow night and gave me money for tickets, I will be in front of the stadium at 6:30 PM. If you get there after the start of the game (7:05), I will leave your tickets at the "Will Call" window in an envelope with your family name on it. Have the boys in their Class B (Camo) shirts.
I look forward to seeing you there.
New Website:
Council Website:
New Website:
Council Website:
Pack 601: Summertime Activity: Watermelon Feast, Monday, August 20th, 6:30PM, SUMC
Our last activity of the season is Monday, August 20th at 6:30 PM at Salem United Methodist Church. We will have watermelon to eat, seed spitting contests and rind throwing contests. Every year it is a good time had by all.
I look forward to seeing you on the 20th.
New Website:
Council Website:
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
PACK 601: Summertime Activity, Swimming at Stones Throw Pool, July 30th, 5:00 PM
Our annual swimming at Stones Throw is this coming Monday, July 30th at 5:00 PM. We will be having a cookout of hot dogs and hamburgers, chips, etc. Please bring your swim suits and lawn chairs and plan on a good time (Sibs are welcome). I will not be able to be there. I will be at Camp Ockanickan with my older son at Boy Scout camp for the week.
I hope everyone has a good time swimming. Here are directions to Stones Throw:,39.632599,-75.741282&saddr=431+Salem+Church+Rd,+Newark,+DE+19702&daddr=1000+Cobble+Creek+Curv,+Newark,+DE+19702+(Stones+Throw+Owners+Association)&mrcr=0&mra=pe&sll=39.632599,-75.741282&sspn=0.110523,0.269852&ie=UTF8&z=14&om=1
Sorry I won't be there, have a good time and I will see you in August!
Summertime Schedule
August 10th - Blue Rocks Sleepover
August 20th - Watermelon Feast, SUMC
September 15th - Pack-o-ree
September 28th-30th - Camping, Cape Henlopen
New Website:
Council Website:
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Pack 601: Blue Rocks Sleepover Information
I just got this in the email yesterday with the correct information. Unfortunately this does not leave us much time to sign up. All the information is below. Please fill out the form below and have it to me by July 25th with a check made out to Pack 601. I will then go to the stadium and get the tickets in a block so we can all sit together.
Council information is below the form with further information as is an attached form from council. I will fill out that form when I get all the forms and checks.
PLEASE NOTE: The game is open to the entire family, but the camping is for the scout and one parent.
I am sorry for the rush on this. To get this to me, it might be easiest to bring it by my house in an envelope and put it in the front door or call me to set up other arrangements.
I hope you can make this event and again, sorry for the rush.
------------------------ Pack 601 Sign-Up Sheet -----------------------------
Family Name: __________________________________
Scout Name: __________________________________
# of tickets for sleepover and game: _________ @ $15 each = _________
# of tickets for game only: _________ @ 7.00 each = _________
# of Package #1 (does not include ticket price): ________ @ $5.00 each = __________
# of Package #2 (does not include ticket price): ________ @ $8.00 each = __________
Total: _________
--------------------- Council Information -----------------------------
We have finally received information from the Blue Rocks for the Sleepover.
Hopefully you have been planning on attending and have it on your unit schedules.
I apologize for the lateness of this flyer, but we have no control and have been waiting on the Blue Rocks.
Please see attached for the flyer and form to attend on Friday, August 10th.
The following information is on the flyer.
Tickets are $15.00 for the game and sleepover
Game only is $7.00
Package program #1 - extra $5.00 will get you a hotdog, chips and soda during the game
Package Prog # 2 - for an extra $8.00 you get the meal plus a Blue Rocks hat
Orders must be recieved by July. 28th for sleepover tickets.
Tickets afterwards will be sold depending on availability of seats.
Orders must be done via fax, mailed or in person. No phone orders.
Please see the flyer for further information regarding the sleepover.
New Website:
Council Website:
Friday, July 06, 2007
Re: PACK 601: Summertime Activity, Pea Patch Island/Fort Delaware, Saturday July 7th @ 9:30 AM
Just another reminder about tomorrow. Please remember to bring lunch and have the boys in their Class B t-shirts. It is going to be hot. You might also want sunblock and bug spray (the island can be buggy).
I look forward to seeing you there.
Just a reminder this Saturday is our trip to Pea Patch Island/Fort Delaware. We will be meeting at the dock in Delaware City at 9:30, the Ferry leaves at 10:00 (Don't miss this one because the next one doesn't leave until 11:00).. Cost is $10 for adults and $6 for kids (they just upped the price on July 1st, sorry;-( )
Please bring a sack lunch and we will plan on eating at the fort.
I look forward to seeing everyone there!
Summertime Schedule
------------------------------July 7th - Trip to Pea Patch Island
July 11th - 14th - Summer Resident Camp, Alpine, NJ
July 23rd - 27th - Summer Day Camp, Lums Pond
July 30th - Swimming at Stone's Throw Pool
August 10th - Blue Rocks Sleepover
August 20th - Watermelon Feast, SUMC
September 15th - Pack-o-ree
September 28th-30th - Camping, Cape Henlopen
New Website:
New Website:
Old Website:
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
PACK 601: Summertime Activity, Pea Patch Island/Fort Delaware, Saturday July 7th @ 9:30 AM
Just a reminder this Saturday is our trip to Pea Patch Island/Fort Delaware. We will be meeting at the dock in Delaware City at 9:30, the Ferry leaves at 10:00 (Don't miss this one because the next one doesn't leave until 11:00).. Cost is $10 for adults and $6 for kids (they just upped the price on July 1st, sorry;-( )
Please bring a sack lunch and we will plan on eating at the fort.
I look forward to seeing everyone there!
Summertime Schedule
July 11th - 14th - Summer Resident Camp, Alpine, NJ
July 23rd - 27th - Summer Day Camp, Lums Pond
July 30th - Swimming at Stone's Throw Pool
August 10th - Blue Rocks Sleepover
August 20th - Watermelon Feast, SUMC
September 15th - Pack-o-ree
September 28th-30th - Camping, Cape Henlopen
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Reminder: Medical Forms
If you are going to summer camp at Camp Alpine, I need to get your medical forms ASAP. You and your son cannot attend camp without a completed medical form. Please contact me ASAP.
If you need copies of the forms they are on our website and the DelMarVa council web site. (On our web site look at "userful links" on the right).
Please get those to me on or by our trip to Pea Patch Island.
New Website:
Council Website:
Monday, June 25, 2007
Re: Pack 601: Summer Time Program: Rocket Shoot at Caravel Academy Field, Monday, June 25 @ 6:30
Right now we are still a "GO" for tonight. We will not cancel except from the field. The field may be a little wet with some muddy spots so everyone should wear appropriate shoes. Also bring bug spray and a chair to sit it. If you haven't had time to get a rocket, come anyway. Amongst the leaders we probably have 6 or 7 extras and we wouldn't want your boys to miss out.
If you have a launcher, please bring it. This is always a fun event!!!!! I look forward to seeing everyone tonight.
Just a reminder that we will be meeting on Monday, June 25 at 6:30 PM for our annual Rocket Shoot! If you have a launcher, please bring it. We are supplying the rocket engines. If you still need to get a rocket, Mitchells and Toys R Us have ready to fly kits.
I look forward to seeing everyone there. Remember, the boys have to participate in one activity for each month of June, July and August to win the Summertime Award.
Summertime Schedule
------------------------------June 25th - Rocket launch at Caravel Academy (you bring the rockets, we supply the engines)
July 7th - Trip to Pea Patch Island
July 11th - 14th - Summer Resident Camp, Alpine, NJ
July 23rd - 27th - Summer Day Camp, Lums Pond
July 30th - Swimming at Stone's Throw Pool
August 10th - Blue Rocks Sleepover
August 20th - Watermelon Feast, SUMC
September 15th - Pack-o-ree
September 28th-30th - Camping, Cape Henlopen
New Website:
New Website:
Old Website:
Friday, June 22, 2007
Pack 601: Summer Time Program: Rocket Shoot at Caravel Academy Field, Monday, June 25 @ 6:30
Just a reminder that we will be meeting on Monday, June 25 at 6:30 PM for our annual Rocket Shoot! If you have a launcher, please bring it. We are supplying the rocket engines. If you still need to get a rocket, Mitchells and Toys R Us have ready to fly kits.
I look forward to seeing everyone there. Remember, the boys have to participate in one activity for each month of June, July and August to win the Summertime Award.
Summertime Schedule
July 7th - Trip to Pea Patch Island
July 11th - 14th - Summer Resident Camp, Alpine, NJ
July 23rd - 27th - Summer Day Camp, Lums Pond
July 30th - Swimming at Stone's Throw Pool
August 10th - Blue Rocks Sleepover
August 20th - Watermelon Feast, SUMC
September 15th - Pack-o-ree
September 28th-30th - Camping, Cape Henlopen
New Website:
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Pack 601: Summer Time Program: Hiking at Iron Hill, Saturday, June 9th, 10:00
There have been some questions about where Iron Hill Park is located. Attached is directions.
It is west on Old Baltimore Pike past 896. You will turn right on Iron Hill Road. (Just past the Iron Hill Museum).
The hike will take about 1 to 1.5 hours. You can go longer or shorter if you desire.
Hope to see you on Saturday.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Pack 601: Summer Time Program: Hiking at Iron Hill, Saturday, June 9th, 10:00
Just a reminder this Saturday is our Hike at Iron Hill. We will meet at 10:00 at very back parking lot at Iron Hill park. I look forward to seeing you there.
Summertime Schedule
June 25th - Rocket launch at Caravel Academy (you bring the rockets, we supply the engines)
July 7th - Trip to Pea Patch Island
July 11th - 14th - Summer Resident Camp, Alpine, NJ
July 23rd - 27th - Summer Day Camp, Lums Pond
July 30th - Swimming at Stone's Throw Pool
August 10th - Blue Rocks Sleepover
August 20th - Watermelon Feast, SUMC
September 15th - Pack-o-ree
September 28th-30th - Camping, Cape Henlopen
Thursday, May 31, 2007
PACK 601: Summertime Activities
Here is the summertime schedule for our summertime activities. Remember if your son attends 1 or more activities each month in June, July and August he will qualify for the National Summertime Award pin. These dates are also posted on web calendar.
I look forward to seeing everyone soon!
Summertime Schedule
June 25th - Rocket launch at Caravel Academy (you bring the rockets, we supply the engines)
July 7th - Trip to Pea Patch Island
July 11th - 14th - Summer Resident Camp, Alpine, NJ
July 23rd - 27th - Summer Day Camp, Lums Pond
July 30th - Swimming at Stone's Throw Pool
August 10th - Blue Rocks Sleepover
August 20th - Watermelon Feast, SUMC
September 15th - Pack-o-ree
September 28th-30th - Camping, Cape Henlopen
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Pack 601: Camping and Crossover information for this weekend
Here is the schedule for the crossover and camping this weekend. If you cannot come for camping, please make every effort to make it to crossover. This will be our last Pack activity until we start up our summer activities in June. Crossover is a special time in the year when the boys move to the next rank group. We have a special ceremony and we will get to watch our Webelos 2s become Boy Scouts.
I hope to see you there. If you have not contacted your den leader to tell you them whether or not you are camping or just coming for crossover, you need to do that tonight.
Yours in Scouting,
Pack 601 2007 Crossover Camping Trip
Lums Pond Campground
Schedule of Activities
FRIDAY Apr 20, 2007
6 to 8 pm Arrive
Family Camping – Provide Your own Dinner
10:30 Lights Out
SATURDAY Apr 21, 2007
7:00Am Reveille
8:00 am – 8:45 am
9:00 am – 12:00 am
Round Robin Events
C. Wagner
12:00 noon – 12:50pm
Lunch – Provide your own
Site/Lunch Clean-Up
1:00pm – 4:00pm
TBD – C Wagner
4:00pm – 5:00pm
Den Time
5:00pm – 6:00pm
Dinner / Clean – Up
$10 per Scout Family - $5 per extra person
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Pack Meeting / Crossover
Troop 601 will Cross over the WWII’s and then we can all have a campfire.
7:30 – 9:00 pm
Campfire / Someor’es
Scouts Lights-Out 10:00pm
SUNDAY Apr 22, 2007
7:00Am Reveille
8:00 am – 8:45am
Breakfast / Clean-Up
8:00am – 8:30am
Site/Breakfast Clean-Up
(Help clean up the common area and pack the equipment used in this area)
8:30 am – 9:00 am
Outdoor Church Service – Boyd Reed
9:15am – 10:00 am
Weekend Reflection and
final site inspection
10:00 am
Check out of camp and head home
Revised 3/26/07
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Pack 601: March Pack Meeting: Arrow of Light Ceremony, Friday, March 23rd, Salem United Methodist Church
Just a reminder that our Pack meeting is this Friday starting at 6:30. We will do our normal awards and then our 4 Webelos 2s will be having their Arrow of Light Ceremony (AOL). The AOL is the highest award that a Cub Scout can earn. It is one of only two awards that they can take with them when they move into Boy Scouts (the other is their religious award). The Boy Scouts from Troop 601 will be joining us for the ceremony.
For those that are going camping, we will leave after the AOL ceremony.
I look forward to seeing everyone on Friday.
Friday, February 23, 2007
PACK 601: Blue and Gold Banquet and Pinewood Derby, Sunday, February 25, 4:00 PM, Moose Lodge in New Castle
Sunday is it! Our Blue and Gold Banquet and Pinewood Derby. We start
at 4:00 PM and the race will be about 7:00 PM. Here are directions
from Salem United Methodist Church:
Drive: 8.4 mi (about 16 mins)
1. Head south on Salem Church Rd toward Joseph Dr 2.3 mi 6 mins
2. Turn left at Pulaski Hwy 4.7 mi 8 mins
3. Turn right toward S Dupont Pkwy 125 ft
4. Turn right at S Dupont Pkwy 1.3 mi 3 mins
NOTE: If you have not paid, we had to pre-order the food, so you are
welcome to come, but we will not be able to provide a meal for you.
Please remember that if you would like to make a donation to scouting,
a representative from DelMarVa council will be there making a
I look forward to seeing everyone there.
Yours in Scouting,
New Website:
Old Website:
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Pack 601: Pinewood Derby Impound and Blue and Gold Dinner
Monday, February 19th is the Pinewood Derby car Impound. Here is the schedule:
6:30 PM Webelos 2
6:45 PM Tigers
7:00 PM Wolves
7:15 PM Bears
7:30 PM Webelos 1
Please make sure that your car weighs no more that 5 oz. It cannot be
any longer than the original block of wood and it cannot have anything
hanging from below (like weights). These are all to make sure that
the car qualifies for District Pinewood Derby should your son's car
come in 1st, 2nd or 3rd place.
If you cannot make it on Monday (some said they are out of town for
the long weekend), please let me know ASAP.
Our Blue and Gold Banquet will be Sunday, February 25th starting at
4:00 PM. We will do our normal awards, have dinner and then race the
Pinewood Derby. The cost is $10 per person (scouts are free) and if
you have not turned your money in, we need it no later than Friday.
The B&G Banquet will be at the Moose Lodge on Route 13. We will have
a buffet with a chicken dish, a beef dish, a vegetarian dish. We will
also have sides and drinks. The Moose Lodge will be catering the
event for us. A big thanks to the Glackins for getting us in contact
with the Moose Lodge and Donna Quillen for making all the
We will be having a Friends of Scouting presentation by Council at the
B&G. If you want to donate to Boy Scouts of America, this will be an
opportunity to do so.
I will be sending out information about Summer Camp in another email.
Look forward to seeing everyone next Monday for Impound and on the
25th for the Blue and Gold.
Yours in Scouting,
New Website:
Old Website:
Friday, January 26, 2007
Re: Pack 601: January Pack Meeting - January 26th, 6:30PM, Cedars Church of Christ
Just one last reminder about our meeting tonight. I hope to see you there.
Just a reminder that our next pack meeting is at 6:30 on Friday, January 26 at the Cedars Church of Christ (511 Greenbank Road, Wilmington--Directions are below).
We will be having our normal awards and then a movie night. We will be watching "Down and Derby to get the boys (and parents) warmed up for the pinewood derby. We will be having popcorn, pizza and drinks to make the full movie experience. Consider these snacks and not a whole meal. We will be asking for a count of all of those coming in your den meetings this week.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Yours in Scouting,
9.4 mi (about 19 mins) ![]()
Head north on Salem Church Rd toward Old Baltimore Pike 56 ft ![]()
Turn right at Old Baltimore Pike 0.3 mi 1 min![]()
Turn left at Salem Church Rd 2.0 mi 4 mins![]()
Turn right at Ogletown Stanton Rd 2.3 mi 4 mins5.
Continue on SR-4 E 0.7 mi 1 min6.
Turn left at Stanton Christiana Rd 0.6 mi 2 mins7.
Continue on Mitch Rd 0.6 mi 8.
Slight left at Limestone Rd 1.0 mi 2 mins9.
Turn right at Robert W Kirkwood Hwy 1.7 mi 3 mins10.
Turn left at Newport Gap Pike 0.3 mi 2 mins11.
Turn right at Greenbank Rd 430 ft
Add destination ... New!
New Website:
Old Website:
New Website:
Old Website:
Monday, January 22, 2007
Pack 601: January Pack Meeting - January 26th, 6:30PM, Cedars Church of Christ
Just a reminder that our next pack meeting is at 6:30 on Friday, January 26 at the Cedars Church of Christ (511 Greenbank Road, Wilmington--Directions are below).
We will be having our normal awards and then a movie night. We will be watching "Down and Derby to get the boys (and parents) warmed up for the pinewood derby. We will be having popcorn, pizza and drinks to make the full movie experience. Consider these snacks and not a whole meal. We will be asking for a count of all of those coming in your den meetings this week.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Yours in Scouting,
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Add destination ... New! |
New Website:
Old Website:
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Pack 601: Joe Corbis Fundraiser Turn In
If you are participating in the Joe Corbis Fundraiser, Judy Tait will be at SUMC at 6:30-7:30 Monday, January 15th. Please bring your fundraiser stuff to her then.
Yours in Scouting,
New Website:
Old Website:
Monday, January 08, 2007
Pack 601: January Pack Meeting - Date Change
The Pack meeting for January was tentatively scheduled for January 12th. Since that is fairly early in the month and most of the Dens are just meeting this week for the first time, we are planning at this point to move the meeting to the 26th. As you might remember, we are planning a movie night after our normal awards ceremony.
More information will follow. Because we are doing a movie night, the meeting place will be different. We will get more information to you as the time approaches.
Yours in Scouting,