Right now we are still a "GO" for tonight. We will not cancel except from the field. The field may be a little wet with some muddy spots so everyone should wear appropriate shoes. Also bring bug spray and a chair to sit it. If you haven't had time to get a rocket, come anyway. Amongst the leaders we probably have 6 or 7 extras and we wouldn't want your boys to miss out.
If you have a launcher, please bring it. This is always a fun event!!!!! I look forward to seeing everyone tonight.
On 6/22/07, Cubscout Pack <pack601@gmail.com> wrote:
Just a reminder that we will be meeting on Monday, June 25 at 6:30 PM for our annual Rocket Shoot! If you have a launcher, please bring it. We are supplying the rocket engines. If you still need to get a rocket, Mitchells and Toys R Us have ready to fly kits.
I look forward to seeing everyone there. Remember, the boys have to participate in one activity for each month of June, July and August to win the Summertime Award.
Summertime Schedule
------------------------------June 25th - Rocket launch at Caravel Academy (you bring the rockets, we supply the engines)
July 7th - Trip to Pea Patch Island
July 11th - 14th - Summer Resident Camp, Alpine, NJ
July 23rd - 27th - Summer Day Camp, Lums Pond
July 30th - Swimming at Stone's Throw Pool
August 10th - Blue Rocks Sleepover
August 20th - Watermelon Feast, SUMC
September 15th - Pack-o-ree
September 28th-30th - Camping, Cape Henlopen
New Website: http://cubscoutpack601.blogspot.com/
Calendar: http://www.calendarhub.com/pub/pack601
Email: pack601@gmail.com
New Website: http://cubscoutpack601.blogspot.com/
Old Website: http://spaces.msn.com/members/cubscoutpack601
Calendar: http://www.calendarhub.com/pub/pack601
Email: pack601@gmail.com