Tuesday, September 26, 2006

PACK 601: Fall Campout, Meet at SUMC Friday, September 29th @ 6:00 PM


For those going camping, below is the basic packing list for what you will need.  Currently it is predicted to be 48 degrees on Friday night.  So warm clothes would be a good choice.  60s during the day.  Also there is showers predicted on Friday and Sunday so make sure you also have rain gear.

The pack will meet up at Salem United Methodist Church at 6:00.  Please be there promptly.  I will be coming up later because of a commitment down state, but you will be in good hands with Jon Howell.

This promisses to be a great campout.  We have 37 people attending!  I look forward to seeing you all up there Friday night.

Yours in Scouting,


Personal Camping Gear
____  Tent
____   * Medicines  
____   * Flashlight w/ batteries
____  Uniform (CLASS A and B)
____  Poncho or  Rain gear
____  Pack or Dufflebag
____  Sleeping Bag
____  Blanket        
____  Jeans/Long Pants
____  Shorts
____  Extra T-shirts (Class B is preferred)
____  Sweater or Sweatshirt         
____  Extra Underwear
____  Extra Socks
____  Scout Handbook
____  Laundry Bag                        
____  Sturdy Shoes or Hiking Boots
____  Sunscreen                            
____ Insect Repellent (Non-aerosol)

____  Soap in a box, or liquid soap                       
____  Comb
____  Toothbrush & Toothpaste      
____  Bath Towel & Washcloth
____  Shower Shoes                        

____  Watch                              
____  Canteen or Water Bottle
____  Notebook & Pen              
____  Spending Money For the Trading Post at Camp
____  Camera & Film                
____  Pillow
____  Bible, Testament or Prayer Book    
____  Sun Glasses                 

New Website:   http://cubscoutpack601.blogspot.com/
Old Website:   http://spaces.msn.com/members/cubscoutpack601
Calendar:   http://www.calendarhub.com/pub/pack601
Email:       pack601@gmail.com
