Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Pack 601: Summer Time Program: Hiking at Iron Hill, Saturday, June 9th, 10:00


Just a reminder this Saturday is our Hike at Iron Hill. We will meet at 10:00 at very back parking lot at Iron Hill park. I look forward to seeing you there.


Summertime Schedule
June 9th - Hiking at Iron Hill
June 25th - Rocket launch at Caravel Academy (you bring the rockets, we supply the engines)
July 7th - Trip to Pea Patch Island
July 11th - 14th - Summer Resident Camp, Alpine, NJ
July 23rd - 27th - Summer Day Camp, Lums Pond
July 30th - Swimming at Stone's Throw Pool
August 10th - Blue Rocks Sleepover
August 20th - Watermelon Feast, SUMC
September 15th - Pack-o-ree
September 28th-30th - Camping, Cape Henlopen
