Friday, June 22, 2007

Pack 601: Summer Time Program: Rocket Shoot at Caravel Academy Field, Monday, June 25 @ 6:30


Just a reminder that we will be meeting on Monday, June 25 at 6:30 PM for our annual Rocket Shoot! If you have a launcher, please bring it. We are supplying the rocket engines. If you still need to get a rocket, Mitchells and Toys R Us have ready to fly kits.

I look forward to seeing everyone there. Remember, the boys have to participate in one activity for each month of June, July and August to win the Summertime Award.

Summertime Schedule
June 25th - Rocket launch at Caravel Academy (you bring the rockets, we supply the engines)
July 7th - Trip to Pea Patch Island
July 11th - 14th - Summer Resident Camp, Alpine, NJ
July 23rd - 27th - Summer Day Camp, Lums Pond
July 30th - Swimming at Stone's Throw Pool
August 10th - Blue Rocks Sleepover
August 20th - Watermelon Feast, SUMC
September 15th - Pack-o-ree
September 28th-30th - Camping, Cape Henlopen

New Website:
